Joel, John and Brian took the kids over to Jared's to play some ball that afternoon. They had a fun time and all came home exhausted and needed naps in order to stay up until midnight. 
Later on that night we went over to John and Kristal's house for some food and games. We played board games, Brian, Mom and Joel did a puzzle and the kids did a hula hoop contest. Alex won. In fact I don't know how long he went because he was still going when we left to go to our friends party.
This is the neighborhood crew. We have the regulars: Cluffs, Millers, Scotts and us. But now the Woodruffs have moved back into the ward and they've been coming over as well. The more the merrier.
We played Scum for about 2 hours. It was awesome. Josh Scott hates this game and used a Russian accent all night to tell us, "How much crap this is full of!" (say it with the accent) He kills me. We had so much fun. I'm glad Sophie isn't 16 yet. This will probably be our last New Years Eve with her sad to say. Then she'll be off with her friends. With Josh to follow the next year. BUT...we'll have Shayne back for at least next year!!! In this picture Daniel is President and Jalee was Scum.
That is Mandy Woodruff standing in the doorway.
Here is Matt Woodruff and his daughter Micaela. Here we are all waiting on Skylar to play and Jalee (striped shirt) is no longer Scum.
I took this picture of these two goof balls and when I looked at it afterwards we all laughed at Josh's bald head being the biggest thing in the picture. He wasn't that happy. More Russian cussing.
Here Daniel is President again and yes, Josh Scott is in deed, SCUM.
Here Daniel is President again and yes, Josh Scott is in deed, SCUM.
With a couple minutes to midnight we all ran downstairs to watch the ball drop.
The next day David started throwing up. So did Layla and Gwennie. It spread like wildfire through the Scotts and us. The Cluffs and Millers had it a couple weeks before but this stomach flu was spreading throughout the entire ward and isn't done yet. Josh even threw up once and he never throws up. He's like Joel. Iron stomach. But the old saying goes, Bad dress rehearsal Good show. Right? So this means that the rest of the year is going to be amazing!!! Happy New Year!