This was another great year of flag football. But, I still can't figure out what sport my boys are best in. If I could choose only one and could guarantee that they wouldn't get hurt in it then I would make Ben pursue football. He is an AMAZING quarterback. He's got an incredible arm. The only problem is that he doesn't like to be the quarterback. He LOVES to "juke people our of their shoes" like we used to say it when I was his age or "break peoples ankles" like they say it now, to score touch downs. It was much less violent in my day. David has great eye hand co-ordination and because of that his coach likes to put him in as defense to pull flags. He does NOT like it. He'd only do it if he can rush the quarterback . He'd much rather be a receiver because he's always the fastest kid on the team.
Occasionally, he'll be QB.
Ben with his boys. Breydon, Chaz, Nick, and Tallen.

Ben runs, blocks, throws and scores! Coach let him call the plays too.
One of the many end of game scores for Ben's team. David's were closer but not by much.
More touchdown runs for Ben.
I love how focused David is in this picture.
This 1st look on David's face pretty much sums up his whole outlook on life, NON-STOP, until 6 months ago. Which is why he is medicated so he can now turn it off and have a 2nd look of calmness and blowing bubblegum bubbles. YEAH!!! He now has an on and off switch like all normal people!
Well...most of the time. The Beckstrand came out of him in this picture.
I just had to take this one of Ray and Logan. I think Logan was more excited to have his Rip Board with him then he was to get in the game. Those two are spitting images of each other.
Couple more of Ben pullin' tags and breakin' ankles. It was a great season!
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