Sunday, June 17, 2018

Ben's actual High School football.

So last week Ben had a DSU camp that went from 6pm to midnight and apparently he was the highlight of the entire thing.  No one has seen him play because we told him that he couldn't until he was in high school and he has just been playing rugby the entire time.  So, once they all saw how incredibly talented he was they were in awe.  We weren't because we already knew that we knew how to do everything.  But they apparently thought that he knew nothing because we didn't let him play tackle.  Um, he still played flag which actually got him way more playing time and gave him a WAY bigger understanding of how the game is played.  He understands the sport.  He doesn't just play it.  So, anyway, he was knocking balls away from kids and catching diving passes like crazy and the parents and coaches were going wild.  We weren't even there.  But we heard about it at this game the next week against Deseret Hills. Our friend Austin Turnbow, was on Deseret Hills team.  He was on Ben's rugby team and is one of DHMS's best football players. His dad is one of the coaches.  He's an awesome kid.  He and Ben are good friends.   
 So what 7 on 7 does is it gives those boys who play a position besides lineman a chance to hone in on their skills.  It also gives the coaches a chance to see what the kids are made of  and who would do good in what position.  So, it's touch football because their is no tackling.  So, everyone is just showing off at this point and that is what Ben does best. 
 But, I guess Ben landed wrong at the DSU camp after diving after a ball in the end zone and tweeked his lower left side back and hip so it was bothering him.  He was getting mad that he was slower that some of the other kids. 
 Apparently Coach Gifford noticed and took him aside and asked if he was aright.  We took him to see Dr. King and got him fixed up but he will probably have to go back again next week. He's pretty young to get messed up already.  
 But, this starts the football career that he has always wanted so here it goes.  This is the first step in the path of him making his millions so that he can hire someone to wash his dishes for him so that he never has to touch dirty dishes ever again!  He has summer football for 2 more weeks and then they have the month of July off and start up the real thing August first.  Yikes!  Good Luck Bud.  Don't Die!

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