I want to go down on record that My teeth are fine but not the strongest. I never got braces and they look pretty good. Joel's teeth are so strong that he could pull a bus but they are HUGE. Together we have already bought our Orthodontist a new Caddy and are sending him to Hawaii for Christmas. Shayne got her Dad's huge strong teeth and my mouth to try to fit them in. So, braces for 3 years. Her smile is gorgeous and if her wisdom teeth mess that up then they will PAY! Sophie had top braces for a year and a half and then had a year off before they put top and bottom braces on her. She has the same problem as Shayne but worse. She had to have 4 permanent teeth pulled to make way for her canines to come in and they are taking there own sweet time. So, we are just waiting. Josh, I thought, looked good as far as teeth and spacing went but much to my dismay this is what we found yesterday.(see picture)
We were hoping that it was an extra tooth. Not uncommon in this family: Joel had an extra tooth when he was young, Shayne had an extra tooth come out of the roof of her mouth and Ben had and extra tooth come down right by his other tooth when he was 2 and had to have it removed. So, we were praying that it was just an extra that could be pulled. We went to see Dr. Mason Wells today and no luck. It's a permanent tooth and it is sick of pushing the other tooth out so it's coming out the side. Oy Vey! Merry Christmas Dr. Christian. Here's another 4 grand from the Beckstrands. Have fun in Hawaii.
1 comment:
Ok, hilarious! I have "teeth history" too, and a few years ago when Jake got it right in the nose/eye with a softball out of a pitching machine, the best part for me was the X-ray that showed he had all of his permanent teeth! Good luck!
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