Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ben's 1st Piano Recital

Ben loves to listen to George play the piano and I will often times find him playing songs he's heard before like Harry Potter and Angry Birds, but he does not like to practice and actually play the piano.  He wants to skip all the in between stuff and go straight to the fun part.  I think we all did.  If that really happens then a lot less kids would quit before they knew the hymns. Ben did a great job and played 2 pieces.  1 he chose and the other was one he was working on.  He chose I hope they call me on a mission,  for his sister Shayne who would leave 3 days later for the MTC.  It was wonderfully sweet.  Grandma & Grandpa Beckstrand, Kellie, Garrett and Jen all came to listen.  It was very nice.  He did a great job!

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