The Girls Camp theme this year was Doctrine & Covenants 4:2. Our color was green and we choose the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to represent us because they served others.

On the very first day the girls were given the skit box to come up with their skit for later that night. They decided to do a Disney themed one on service and Joel was Elsa from Frozen. He was the hit of camp. He was the priesthood representative for the entire stake so he was involved with everything! Every ward needed him and loved him. I think he enjoyed this year more than the rest.
Later that night Shayne and Mikki Hudson came up to be our stake speakers. They were wonderful. It was weird to see them there as returned missionaries instead of Youth Camp Leaders. They talked just like they were companions and were amazing.
This is the inside of our bunker. Luckily this was the last year for these. They took them out so that next year we will just have regular tents. Hallelujah! I did like that this year we only had 6 girls with us so we put them in the end where the leaders are supposed to be and the leaders got the main part. That way we all got to be together and have fun like we were teenagers. But we all had to use ear plugs to sleep. Jalee's back was killing her so she slept in her hammock. It was perfect.
The next morning Sophie and Kaylee came up from the stake and gave us a little devotional. It was awesome! I'm so glad that they both went. It was, more than likely, Sophie's last time and Kaylee wasn't sure about going with the stake but after she got there she was glad that she did.
After the devotional we went down to flag ceremony and had roll call. Here we are singing our song. Jennifer Gummow is a crack-up. She ended it with a bang so everyone would clap for us. She never wanted any of the girls to feel inadequate so she always took the focus off of them when she could tell someone felt uneasy. She also showed them that life should be fun and that it doesn't matter who's watching. It only matters that the Lord is watching and He loves us no matter what.
Later, for lunch, they broke out this sandwich cutter and of course I was the first to try it. It didn't work. Much like my t-shirt that we used bleach on and made ourselves. Those 4 figures are supposed to be the Ninja Turtles. It was an epic fail.
That afternoon we spent with the stake going around listening to different devotionals and making crafts. The next day was Ward day! My favorite day! We started it out with Sister Gummow giving her devotional. I love that woman! She's amazing. The girls had time to use their scriptures and take notes.
Then Brother Jackson spoke to us. It was his first time up to Girls Camp and you could tell he was nervous but he did a great job. The girls just love him. He had a great time while he was up there.
We did some crafts. Here are Gwennie and Jalee. Cute mom and daughter moment. You could tell that Cathy Monnette was tired. She did a great job with Sarah on helping the girls with the food. We ate like queens! I swear I always gain weight at girls camp.
Then it was finally my turn!!! Woot Woot! Time for games! First we played Dip, Dip, Dip, then the sound game and mingle. It is always a great way to get everyone involved. This year I even got to play Dip, Dip, Dip. Jalee took pictures for me at first so I could play. That's me in the cowboy hat.Jennifer Feltner always come to our ward for ward day because her ward isn't very fun. She loves us.
After that first game I took my camera back so Jalee could play. Here she is in the Shrek shirt.
After games we ate dinner. More food!
And rested. Sophie puts the hammock up every year. It's either this one or another one but it's the first thing she pulls out of the camp trailer.
This was the last night there and our camp site was flooded the entire time because the ground was so sarturated that was coming up underneath our firepit. So we were never able to make a fire. A couple leader and I went for a walk and found some old bricks, propped a skillet on it and made a fire on top of it. It worked but not well enough to last for more than roasting mallows. Here's our pyro making sparks wishing something would light on fire. It did rain almost every day we were there. Everything was wet.
My two favorite pictures.
It was another amazing year. Possibly our last. Sophie graduates this year and I don't know what the future brings. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful young women and leaders in my life. I am eternally grateful for my own Young women Sophie and Shayne and for my wonderful husband Joel who honors his priesthood and who's smile brightens my day.
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