Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey

I am sick of Turkey already! My loving husband always gets a turkey from work the week before Thanksgiving. And since we spend it in Lehi we usually put it in the turkey in our freezer and use it for Christmas. Well, on Friday Joel called me from work and asked if you could refreeze a turkey and of course I said no. Then he told me that he had forgotten to bring the turkey in the house after work last night and it was still in his car. If we lived up north then it would still be frozen but it was already halfway thawed. I told him to take it in his work and put it in the fridge until he leaves. So, we had turkey for Sunday dinner. It wasn't big but we still have leftovers. Leftover turkey before Thanksgiving! Yuck. I hope my Mom cooks a ham.

1 comment:

Jillyn said...

Time to freeze the cooked turkey. Just chop it up, put it in baggies, freeze it, then throw it away in about 6 months.