It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! Sophie is in love with her twin Minnie Mouse so she dedicated her pumpkin to her. She drew a picture of her on a piece of paper then used a thumb tack, poked holes all the way around it onto her pumpkin and then cut it out. It turned out super cute.
Shayne did some scary ghosts and Josh started out doing a cool design that ended up being a soccer ball.
Here they are on the ledge in front of the spider web. And Skye really could care less about them. She didn't like the spider webs at all. She kept getting stuck in them.
Joel was inspired by Jack Skelington after Disneyland so he carved his pumpkin in his honor. The first pictures are in front of the web and the next are without the web.
I did Mike Wazowski because he was easy and fast.
Ben decided to do the Mickey Mouse Ice Cream on a stick that you get in Disneyland with it's ear bit into and it looking like it's melting. Very creative.
David did a creepy Vampire!

For Kyle's birthday we always go to Tuacahn's Thriller. Once again it didn't disappoint.
For Halloween had our traditional day. School Halloween Parade, Work, Go to Jillyn's to wish her a happy birthday and to eat something healthy before eating candy then head over to our church for the Youth Carnival and Trunk-or-Treat.
Here is David at school parade as the Boxer that he was all day long because he's a good kid made a decision and stuck to it. Ben on the other hand couldn't decide and couldn't decide for the ENTIRE month! So that morning he wanted to be Count Dracula. NOT a vampire. A Count that is very GQ and stylish that has no blood or make-up on him and is not gory. Wierdo. And then after school he wanted to be a something fun. So he changed into the clown that we tried to talk him into at the very first. So I had to do his make-up at Jillyn's house because I went straight there from work and we went straight from her house to the church. YIKES that kid gives me stress!!!
Speaking of work...Here we are. Me, Kalo and Kirsten. Amy was the only other one that worked that day because it was a Friday and Megin, Sue and Dr. LaRowe never work on Fridays, and Amy didn't think it would be professional for her to dress up.
On to the church. We had the little carnival that the youth put on for the Primary aged kids and then we had chili and cornbread. Steve, Juanelle, C.J., Nick and Jenna were in town because Nick had a baseball tournament so they got to hang out with us all night long. It was so much fun. Here's Jenna as a mime. Josh didn't really want to dress up but also didn't not want to dress up. So we saw this online and copied it.
Here is a picture of Sophie trying to high 5 a little girl that had a Princess Sophia costume on. She wouldn't do it. It was cute. And Joel as Cousin Rico freaked a lot of people out. NONE of the old people knew who he was. They just thought he was a visitor. The teenagers who have seen Napoleon Dynamite knew exactly who he was. Others though he was just a creepy guy from the 70's.
I took this picture of the Owen's because I LOVED their costumes. They were awesome! Very authentic. And everyone loved Shayne's Mary Poppins. Sophie has always wanted to go as her but we haven't been able to pull it off. Well, Shayne nailed it. Once Shayne saw the movie Saving Mr. Banks and found out that the writer whose life the Mary Poppins books where made after was born and raised in Australia she instantly knew that she needed to be her.
Sophie wants to be this Mary Poppins anyway. So maybe next year. But Josh'd have to be Bert. He'd be a great Bert but I don't know if he'd do it.
Then we had our Trunk-or-Treat and headed to JoEllen's. She has this awesome skeleton up in their top window that looks like it's trying to climb out. They also have a black light in the doorway that made Ben's costume look really cool.

We aren't quite sure what Sloan is but at least he showed up.
Here is the aftermath. They all dumped everything out and started the trading game. It was fun to watch. I made sure to take everyone's suckers for my turkey's tail feathers. No one wanted them anyway.

While we were doing all this we put on Private Eyes to watch while we waited for Kyle to come back with the boys from a Haunted House and Sophie and Matty fell asleep. David and Evan thought it would be funny to put candy all over them. It was until they woke up. It was a long fun day with friends and family. Just the way we like it. Best way to close out another fun year.