OK, her goes the longest post thus far. Get ready. TRICK-OR-TRI 2014!!!
This year, since Josh had done summer swim team he decided to do the Sprint Tri all by himself. The first time Sophie swam, he biked and Joel ran. Then at the SHAC tri Sophie swam and Josh biked and ran. So it only made sense to him to do the entire thing this time by himself. Which was great but left Sophia high and dry. Literally. George did the Beginner Tri last year and took 2nd overall so Josh convinced him to do the Sprint with him and Joel. So here they are all ready to go. George had been doing year round swim so he figured that if he got out of the water before Josh then he could beat him because they were pretty much the same on the bike but Josh was on the cross country team and was a faster runner. So when they got in the water they flew!
Josh's stroke of choice was back and George's was breast. It was a pretty close race. Josh got in the water just before George and George got out of the water just before Josh but it wasn't by very much.
Joel got out not long after them and they were all at the transition together.

Josh gets an early start off on the bike.
Then George starts off behind him.
Joel takes his sweet time but is fully prepared in all things. He's had plenty of experience at transitions and isn't worried at all.
Meanwhile the crowd waits to see them ride back by and circle back for loop 1.
The St. George Races took this picture of us. I love that their main focus was the No Parking sign.
Josh comes by first with George right on his heals.
George is all smiles.
Then comes Joel, in the same order that they left in. Except Joel has closed the gap.
They turn and head back out in the same order. Josh, George and Joel.
But when they come back Joel is WAY out ahead of them and has a huge smile on his face.
Then Josh, then George.
But as they start the run there is another switch...It's JOSH again! Where's Joel? Transition. He has to go from fancy bike shoes to running shoes when all the boys have to do it hop off the bike and take of running.

Here's our friend Shawn Jaca. He ran a good race too. He's always smiling. And Coach Dani Caldwell. She's decided that if she's going to make her swimmers run that she'd better too.

Then comes Joel. The kids all line up to give high fives like always. Then back down to finish his first loop.
Here they are starting the 2nd. I don't even know, at this point, if Josh knew that George was still right there.
George never stopped. He just kept running. I think he surprised himself on how well he can truly run. he should have done cross country too!
Then comes Joel on his last lap. Shayne finally showed up because she had to work but is in the next event.
At the last stretch, Josh realizes that George did MUCH better that he thought and that if he doesn't hurry George's time will probably still beat his. So, he takes off in a dead sprint.
George was just dead. He did an amazing job but said that he just couldn't make his body go any faster at the end.
Joel did a great job. Here he is finishing up just a few minutes after the boys.
We took this picture of the two of them because they are wearing a Dixie Flyers and a Pine View Panthers shirt. Still pretty cool. But what exactly were the results? Josh crossed the line first but does that mean he won?
Here is the official time... George beat Josh out of the water. George-8:17 Josh 8:12. Bike - George 34:43 Josh 35.01 and Run - George 24.36 Josh 24.41
Total Time = George 1:10.13 Josh 1:10.38 GEORGE WON! And Josh ended up with 3 blisters on each foot! Yikes! He didn't wear shoes for the next 2 days.
HOWEVER...that's not how the story ends. The good news is that Josh is 6 months older that George and at the time was 15 and the age group cut off was 11-14 and 15 -18 so they both took first place in their age group! But when it came time to give out awards they were no where to be found so JoEllen and I received their awards for them. They got medals and a certificate for a half hour massage but they don't know about the massage. We kept those.
See? Everyone's happy!
Joel did great but our friend Troy Davis edged his out of a medal by a few seconds.
So because Josh did the Tri by himself that left Sophie all by herself. Shayne told me to sign her up because she figured she was in great condition to do a triathlon after riding a bike for the last year and a half. Sophie wasn't thrilled about any of it that was out of the water. So she said that she would sign up to do the beginner Tri if Shayne did too. So that's what I signed them both up for. So here they are getting ready to compete.

Because the swim was only a 200 meter I only got 1 picture of each of them and then they were out of the water. This is Shayne.
And here is Sophie with Josh cheering her on.
Here is another St. George Races picture. I'm really glad someone took this for us. That's Shayne in the water.

Here is their transition to bike. Shayne was the first one out.
Now to preface the next section I do have to say that Sophie had, up to this day, only used a bike with gears once and the bike she practiced on broke right before we came so she was using Ben's bike that should have had the seat raised at least.
Shayne took off, she was using Josh's road bike and had no problem at with the hills and 5 mile loop. She was up and back before we knew it. Sophie on the other hand scared us. If it weren't for Brother McDuffy, Sophie's seminary teacher, who told us that she was alright and that she was still coming, we would have sent Josh to go find her.
This picture is cool because it is Joellen's picture at the same time as my picture. I stood across the street this year so when I took pictures all the kids would be in the background. It just made sense. I took a picture when Shayne looked at me and so did JoEllen so you see both angles.

Then she transitioned and came up running. I was impressed because she had put on a little weight on her mission but it didn't seem to have made any difference.

Here are a couple more St. George Races photos.
I love this one. Both George and Josh (still barefoot) running with Sophie.
Finally we saw her!!! We were so excited. She was not.
But her transition was fast and she came flying up the trail. Brother McDuffy came back by on his way to the finish line and we thought it was weird that we hadn't seen Shayne since she was at least 5 minutes before him.

Being the good brother that Josh is and for how worried he was about her on that bike he ran with her to make sure she was OK. Notice he is barefoot!
Then after another 10 minutes we finally saw Shayne. Rumor has it that she stopped and walked as soon as she was out of sight.
Sophie ran like a champ! She made up a lot of time and both of them should be very proud of themselves for doing their first Trialthon!
When you do the beginner tri you automatically get a medal just for finishing. Look how cute they are. The girls and the medals.
Now let's see who really won!
On the SWIM Sophie - 58.31 Shayne - 52.29. BIKE Sophie - 30.26 Shayne - 23.18
RUN Sophie 21.40 Shayne - 22.57
Shayne won but look at Sophie's run time!!! Woo Hoo! To do that good at the end of your race is awesome. She beat Shayne by a minute and 17 seconds!
Here's my crew before the Kids Tri
Here are David (8), Evan (8), Emily (11) and Ben (10).
Here are JoEllen and I standing with the kids trying to keep them in line until the race starts.
Here's Ben.

Here's David. When he got tired he did breaststroke.

He was the last one out of the pool. But I was very proud of him because at the SHAC Tri he couldn't even make it up and down one lap without holding onto the side of the pool and now he can do 100 without batting an eye. Good Job David!

Transition time. Joel and Kyle were both there to help out.

Ben came running along first, then Emily and Evan, then David.

This is what Matty and I did while we were waiting for kids to cross the finish line.

At the end they take off your ankle bracelet that is really your timing chip and then let you relax.
This is always a great activity. The kids love it and it is a great way to show them how to take care of their body and have fun doing it. It makes great memories with the cousins too!
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