Day 1 of this Cedar City tournament.
Luckily we have Kortland Sullivan on our team as our catcher. He's awesome and we love his family!
Left to Right - Sophie, Shayne, David, Josh, Kashton, Carl and Dannette.
Carl and Danette have been Shayne's other parents since 6th grade when she and Kyson became best friends. Now Sophie and Kash are, Josh and their daughter Kinzie are, and Kortland and Ben are. We have a kid in every grade together. Kari and David are the same age but they don't know each other yet. They will when they get to 6th grade and go to Fossil Ridge together.
Ben was one of the team captains for this game and got to call the coin toss.
Then he played 3rd and was amazing there too!
In the van on the way up, I painted my toenails. Cute huh? They are Pine View colors.
We won!
The ball fields are just up the street from the new temple site. So we ran down there and took a picture. That white house out there now is just a trailer. There's nothing there except for a backhoe and a big empty lot. I can't wait to go to it when it's done.Then we ran over to the Discovery Park and let the kids run around since they were tired of sitting, watching ball all day.
Josh and David did some Ninja Warrior moves all over the place.
Then we went to BRAD'S FOOD HUT for dinner. Our favorite place to eat in Cedar. I don't know why this is the only picture that I have of it but it is. Thanks Shayne for paying attention and smiling.

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