My Thanksgiving couldn't have been better except maybe if I didn't get the flu and puke up my guts all night long. I spent the night on my sisters cold, hard, tile, bathroom floor. It started at 10:30pm and by 2:30am my legs had cramped up so bad from being dehydrated that I couldn't walk. Somehow I made it up the 2 flights of stairs and fell into Paula's bedroom where I scared them to death. Charles then spent the next 15 minutes rubbing my entire leg out from the knee down. It hurt
soooo bad. I always got cramps in my legs and feet when I was pregnant and when I stood up they'd stop but not this time. After everything settled down and I assumed the position on the bathroom floor and had just fell back asleep when I heard someone throw up and it wasn't me. Then I heard poor Paula and Charles up again helping someone else. It was my son Ben. All over Tyler's bedroom floor. So, Ben ended up next to me on the bathroom floor next to the tub just
in case he needed to throw up again. I told him that I couldn't do anything to help him except rub his back because I was so weak and dizzy. Sure enough an hour later I rubbed his back as he filled Paula's tub with Thanksgiving dinner. Then he was done. We both laid down and got about 2 hours of sleep. The next day was supposed to be full of Black Friday shopping. But, I still was really weak and didn't want to try to drive myself anywhere. So, my wonderful father drove me and 4
grandkids to the mall so we could go to Build-A-Bear. The only place I HAD to go, because we don't have one down here and that is all Sophie wanted for Christmas. Luckily the flu was only the 24 kind. The bad part was that it spread like wild fire and it was all my fault. Sophie started throwing up later that night and
Saturday morning, and r
ight as we left we heard Abby tossing her cookies. I have no idea who got sick next. I've been
afraid to call home and see for fear of them not
letting us come up for New Years. So, this Thanksgiving I am very thankful for family who will clean up your throw up and not complain. For Dads who will do anything for a child in need even if it means taking the kids around the mall so you can sneak in some shopping without them seeing and for the Lord who put us in our families because he knew what and who we needed.