She left Brisbane at 10am and got to California at 6am the same day. TIME TRAVEL! COOL!
As soon as that happened a sigh of relief that she was in the states happened the same time that an anxiety attack happened. Did I have everything ready? I went to work until noon just to get my mind off of things. I hadn't eaten much in the past 6 weeks because of the stress that other mom's had said about their daughters that had just gotten home from Perth the transfer earlier. I had lost some weight but I was Nervous! Once she past over St. George It was time for me to leave work and go hang up signs.
Meanwhile I was getting these awesome pictures through Instagram along with some videos that I wish I could download. They are great! They are of her hugging my parents. It gave me a sense of peace that I needed that day when I saw those.
After lunch they took Shayne over to see the Salt Lake Temple. While she was there she was reminded that one of the girls in one of the wards got her call to the SLC Temple Visitor Center. So she wondered if she could be there. My mom asked her what she looked like and she said, "Indian." Then my mom said, "Well, that Sister missionary looks Indian." and points to the exact girl that Shayne had just been talking about. Shayne squealed and ran over to her. It was a tender mercy of the Lord because he knew how badly Shayne needed to see someone from DownUnder right at the very moment.

These were the monitors that we were all watching. They were on the 5:52 fight. We were so humbled at all who came out to welcome her home.
Here she is!
I of course was the first one to get a hug. Edie was no where to be found for Morgun so he hugged his little sister.
Joel was teary. Of course. That's what makes him the great man that he is.
Hugs from Grandpa Beckstrand.
Chase, Lily, Vince and the kids.
JoEllen, George and the rest of the fam.
Then there was Sloan. I think he was the most excited. It was good to see.
Then to all the friends that came to welcome her home.
Here's the Lusk's...and Sloan. And Jared with his family. Shayne and Jacob hadn't seen each other in 3 years.
The Wells family. Brian's family. It was also Taye's birthday.
Then us.
Sloan again, and Emily comparing how white Shayne's legs are compared to hers.
Courtney showed up right as we were getting ready to leave.
Then we made it back home. Shayne showed us the lei's she was given and we did a selfie for Aeronny back in Perth to celebrate. It's great to have her home. We are so proud of all of her hard work.

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