Josh has gotten better with each passing week and it has been a pleasure to watch him. Over the season they had 3 different timed trials at the High School They were all at 4pm so I wasn't able to see any of them but Joel was able to go see him run in one of them. Here are some shots of it.
The next weekend they had 2 away meets so they went up North for the weekend. Josh's first trip away from home with the team. Two nights in a hotel and 3 different races. He had a blast. Then it was back home the next weekend for another meet in Bloomington Park. He did really well on this one and even knocked off a few seconds! They have the Varsity team, Jr. Varsity team and a youngsters team. The youngsters are kids from grades 6-8 who want to come compete for fun. Most of the schools have at least 10 kids participate. Miles Gilmore is on our team and here's a picture of Heidi watching and cheering him on and another of him running in at the finish line. He's a great runner.

You can tell that Josh is getting better each time by what kids he passes and at this meet he passed one of our own team members that he's been trying to catch for the entire season. Mr. Green Socks. Ben loves to go watch and can't wait until he can run with them next year.

The next weekend was the Cedar meet and Spencer and Shana went up to it and were nice enough to bring him to Pine Valley right after since we were all meeting up there for the traditional pre-marathon carbo-load dinner. He P.R'ed with a 20.56! It was awesome!
For his birthday I got him this cool saying for his room to hang his medals on and to keep track of his bib numbers until we have enough to wallpaper his room.

The next and last meet put this saying to the test. It was his first meet (and last) at Snow Canyon High School. The course started on the grass and was a mix of the high school track, down around the baseball field and out to the trail that went along the stream and up the road around the little league fields and back to school and then you'd circle back around again and end at the track. Here are all the boys lined up.

Josh was in there somewhere.

Then they went down on a trail, up around the little league fileds, up on the road, bcak up on the high school lawn and back down to lap around again then finished in the track.

Here he is just after he finished.
Well, Josh did OK and right after he was done he got a drink of water and Joel left to go back to work and I stuck around to see if Josh was going to come home on the bus or with me. He said he would ride the bus and then he started to rub his eyes and complain that they were stinging because of the sweat getting in them. When he opened his eyes they were bright red. I told him to go wash them out with cold water in the bathroom and that I would see him back at home. So he went into the bathroom and I walked over to tell Coach Holt that Josh was taking the bus and then walked around to the front of the school to get in the van. By the time I sat down my phone was ringing. It was Josh...saying,"Come get me. I can't see! My eyes are all swollen!" So I told him to start walking around to the front and I took off around to the back of the school. I found him kind of walking aimlessly around like he didn't know what he was doing and then I looked at his face and was shocked to see how bad he had gotten in 2 minutes. So I took a picture or two:

I pulled him over to the coach and told him that I was now taking him home right them to get him some Benadryl. And we hurried back to the van. This was the next picture 5 minutes later, up on Turtle row. I made him take a selfie with my camera so he could see how bad it was getting.
5 minutes later by the time we got home, he looked like this:
His nose was starting to swell and it was really hard for him to even get his eyes to open for these pictures. So then for fun I told him to look up and we got this cool picture for Halloween:
So in about 15 minutes total he went from this very handsome boy to this. Poor kid. I gave him 2 Benadryl and it knocked him out cold for 3 hours.
When he woke up he looked a little better but not at all what I had hoped for. So we tried a different allergy pill and we went to bed for the night. I told him that if he didn't look better in the morning that I'd take him to work and see what Amy said about it but that he'd probably get a Kenalog shot in the butt. He wasn't very excited about that.
Unfortunately, this is what he looked like in the morning. So in we went. Both Amy and Dr. LaRowe said that he needed a Kenalog shot. It was definitely an allergic reaction to something along that trail. Probably the cotton or sagebrush that we don't have around here. So I shot him and took him back home. He just looks so pathetic. It's sad.
Around lunch time I got this picture texted to me saying, "Look I can open my eyes! Tell Amy thanks."
Since then he hasn't had a single problem. He is signed up for the Snow Canyon Half marathon in a month and it goes along that same trail. Amy assured him that the shot he had would last him at least 3 months and told him to take an allergy pill before he races just to make sure.
We went to Disneyland over Region Cross Country so Josh didn't get to run. I told him he could stay home with George but he chose to come to California with us. Laynee took 1st at Region!!! She rocks!!! State is on Wednesday up in Sugarhouse. Coach Holt just told Josh today that he could go if he wanted to. Not to race because you have to qualify for it but they take all the JV kids that came to all the practices, worked hard and are good kids who support the others. So he was really excited about that. It's a good way to end the season. Not bad for his Freshman year. Good Job Squash!
The next weekend they had 2 away meets so they went up North for the weekend. Josh's first trip away from home with the team. Two nights in a hotel and 3 different races. He had a blast. Then it was back home the next weekend for another meet in Bloomington Park. He did really well on this one and even knocked off a few seconds! They have the Varsity team, Jr. Varsity team and a youngsters team. The youngsters are kids from grades 6-8 who want to come compete for fun. Most of the schools have at least 10 kids participate. Miles Gilmore is on our team and here's a picture of Heidi watching and cheering him on and another of him running in at the finish line. He's a great runner.
You can tell that Josh is getting better each time by what kids he passes and at this meet he passed one of our own team members that he's been trying to catch for the entire season. Mr. Green Socks. Ben loves to go watch and can't wait until he can run with them next year.
The next weekend was the Cedar meet and Spencer and Shana went up to it and were nice enough to bring him to Pine Valley right after since we were all meeting up there for the traditional pre-marathon carbo-load dinner. He P.R'ed with a 20.56! It was awesome!
For his birthday I got him this cool saying for his room to hang his medals on and to keep track of his bib numbers until we have enough to wallpaper his room.

The next and last meet put this saying to the test. It was his first meet (and last) at Snow Canyon High School. The course started on the grass and was a mix of the high school track, down around the baseball field and out to the trail that went along the stream and up the road around the little league fields and back to school and then you'd circle back around again and end at the track. Here are all the boys lined up.
Josh was in there somewhere.
Then they went down on a trail, up around the little league fileds, up on the road, bcak up on the high school lawn and back down to lap around again then finished in the track.

Here he is just after he finished.
Well, Josh did OK and right after he was done he got a drink of water and Joel left to go back to work and I stuck around to see if Josh was going to come home on the bus or with me. He said he would ride the bus and then he started to rub his eyes and complain that they were stinging because of the sweat getting in them. When he opened his eyes they were bright red. I told him to go wash them out with cold water in the bathroom and that I would see him back at home. So he went into the bathroom and I walked over to tell Coach Holt that Josh was taking the bus and then walked around to the front of the school to get in the van. By the time I sat down my phone was ringing. It was Josh...saying,"Come get me. I can't see! My eyes are all swollen!" So I told him to start walking around to the front and I took off around to the back of the school. I found him kind of walking aimlessly around like he didn't know what he was doing and then I looked at his face and was shocked to see how bad he had gotten in 2 minutes. So I took a picture or two:

I pulled him over to the coach and told him that I was now taking him home right them to get him some Benadryl. And we hurried back to the van. This was the next picture 5 minutes later, up on Turtle row. I made him take a selfie with my camera so he could see how bad it was getting.
5 minutes later by the time we got home, he looked like this:
His nose was starting to swell and it was really hard for him to even get his eyes to open for these pictures. So then for fun I told him to look up and we got this cool picture for Halloween:
So in about 15 minutes total he went from this very handsome boy to this. Poor kid. I gave him 2 Benadryl and it knocked him out cold for 3 hours.
When he woke up he looked a little better but not at all what I had hoped for. So we tried a different allergy pill and we went to bed for the night. I told him that if he didn't look better in the morning that I'd take him to work and see what Amy said about it but that he'd probably get a Kenalog shot in the butt. He wasn't very excited about that.
Unfortunately, this is what he looked like in the morning. So in we went. Both Amy and Dr. LaRowe said that he needed a Kenalog shot. It was definitely an allergic reaction to something along that trail. Probably the cotton or sagebrush that we don't have around here. So I shot him and took him back home. He just looks so pathetic. It's sad.
Around lunch time I got this picture texted to me saying, "Look I can open my eyes! Tell Amy thanks."
Since then he hasn't had a single problem. He is signed up for the Snow Canyon Half marathon in a month and it goes along that same trail. Amy assured him that the shot he had would last him at least 3 months and told him to take an allergy pill before he races just to make sure.
We went to Disneyland over Region Cross Country so Josh didn't get to run. I told him he could stay home with George but he chose to come to California with us. Laynee took 1st at Region!!! She rocks!!! State is on Wednesday up in Sugarhouse. Coach Holt just told Josh today that he could go if he wanted to. Not to race because you have to qualify for it but they take all the JV kids that came to all the practices, worked hard and are good kids who support the others. So he was really excited about that. It's a good way to end the season. Not bad for his Freshman year. Good Job Squash!
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