For years I've wanted a beach cruiser bike. In fact one year I took the kids with me and showed them the exact bike I wanted and when Mother's Day and my birthday rolled around I got a ten speed. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful. But sad. This year my dreams came true! Our kids are all into triathlons now and regular bikes just won't do. The bikes are getting more technical and more expensive. So before the SHAC TRI, when Joel and I were looking at a new road bike for Sophie, I saw this beauty and went on and on and on about it. I think he got the hint. 

It's a Panama Jack exclusive. It's all decked out with place to carry my picnic basket, super great shocks on the seat for added comfort, a basket and even a cup holder. It even has a bottle opener on the side of it. If I lived near a beach then it'd be perfect. I absolutely love it!
Sophie made these flowers out of paper for me. I thought they were amazing! They are sitting in a vase on the table at this very moment because I don't have to worry about them dieing. She is so creative and thoughtful.
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