Monday, November 14, 2011


Happy Veterans Day!
My cousin Jim is putting together a book of pictures showing what we were doing and where we were on this date in history. Here is what we did.
Our Day started out with the St. George City P-raid.

Josh & George held the banner for the High School band and Sophie played in the Middle School band.

Then we all rushed over to the Washington p-raid where those 3 were in it again and this time Shayne was also in it with the Exec. Council riding their scooters and Ben and David walking in their classes.

Every year Burke has each class carry signs and banners thanking the veterans for all they have done. So, all 5 of my kids where in the parade. I sat and watched with JoEllen and Joel. It was fun. Afterwards the city always does a veterans day program where they post 50 flags in the park and Joel, being the newest Washington City Bishop, had to give the closing prayer.

Later that night Shayne had a swim meet where she didn't beat any of her personal bests but did make it into the newspaper. Biff Lowery is an 80+ year old man who writes on all the swim meets. He gave Shayne the Fortitude of the Month award (something he just made up) for her hard work and determination to get back into the pool after spending time in the hospital fighting meningitis all summer long. It was good to see her name in the paper again even if it wasn't for winning. It'll be a long season but it will be fun and I will make sure that it will be memorable for all of us.

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