So I received these gorgeous roses for Mother's Day. The bouquet from Joel and this single rose from Dr. Wayne Christian our Orthodontist. They give them out every year.
Then as a combined gift for Mother's Day and my Birthday I picked these beauties out!
Then at work I got these 2 HUGE doughnuts that we - JoEllen, Sophie, Emily, Matty and I- ate at midnight.
And Madi and Julie Howells, Whom I love, gave me a huge bottle of strawberry margarita mix and and this glass. So the next day we made a huge drink and had a fun time.
After work JoEllen came and picked me up since Joel had taken the van to Father's and Son's and 5 of us girls went to Emily's piano recital and then to eat at Olive Garden. It was Awesome!
This is Matty showing me her breadstick...on her fork.
After that we went back to JoEllen's and played a little Just Dance 4 before we went to see the late showing of OZ the Great and Powerful. It was pretty good. Then we went back to JoEllen's and had Doughnuts and Birthday Cake. It was a great day. Thanks to everyone who made it special.
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