River View Medical Center is the best place to work. We are like one big family that works well together. This summer Amy decided to put together a family party and it was awesome. She had games for the kids. The first one was to guess how many things were in the container. David actually guessed the closest on the mints and cheeseballs so he got to choose which one to take home and took the mints.
Amy with Lina, Sewa and Kayleigh
Ethan and Emma
Then Amy had them throw darts at balloons and depending on how old you were determined how far away you stood or sat.
This is Sue's adorable but super curious granddaughter Maud. Every time we turned around she had wandered off to look at something or climbed up on top of something to get a better look.
Kayleigh giving it a try.
Our big boys sitting to throw. Hayden and Josh.
Our party was up at Pioneer Park. It was a perfect location. We were worried at first because it was the first part of August and we wondered if we'd melt from the heat but the shade from the Sugar Loaf was perfect and there was a great breeze the entire time. Plus the hiking up there is perfect for families. The kids don't have to go far to think they've climbed a mountain.
Sophie and David
Kayleigh, Megin and Kalo's niece who is staying with them.
Amy also had a Fish Pond for the kids that they LOVED.
Look at how happy David is. He got a Hot Wheel. He asks for one every time we go to the store and I always say no.
Here is the Prisbrey family chatting it up with Megin.
This is the picture I get when I say, "Hey everybody look over here so I can take a picture." Thanks, Dr. LaRowe for being the only one who cares.
Cheesy but oh so cute.
Cheesy and the cutest little things you've ever seen in your whole entire life!
Here are 3 more adorable kids. Emma, Ethan and Alec. Shayne the picture of Alec by himself is for you.

Here is Dr. LaRowe and Debra his wife who we all love dearly.
So, here we are, me and Kalo. We are goofy together. She is so funny and fun to be around. She makes the whole office fun to work in.
Amy gave all of the employee 2 gift cards from her and Dr. LaRowe. One to a restaurant of their choice and a $25 Visa gift card. We love Amy. She is amazing. I wish I was half as smart as she is. She has a great personality and the patients adore her. In this picture we are trying to show off our cool presents and Josh had to be Josh and bomb the picture. Stinker!
Here we are. Thanks so much Dr. LaRowe and Amy for all you do!
As we were cleaning up Maud found a princess and took off to get her. It was actually a girl taking her bridal photos up on the red rocks but for all she was worth Maud knew she was a princess and took off to get her. She wanted to bring her back to show her grandma what she had found.
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