Now this is my kind of race. A non-race, race. Fun Run! Especially if you throw in BACON!
Planet 94.1 put this race together to raise money for the homeless in Southern Utah. So not only is it an awesome 5K but it is a fundraiser! How could we not do it? Joel opted to take pictures so that I could run this one with the kids. This is the first race where we've actually had everyone together. The other races have been split up into different categories at different times or not all of us ran.
Planet 94.1 put this race together to raise money for the homeless in Southern Utah. So not only is it an awesome 5K but it is a fundraiser! How could we not do it? Joel opted to take pictures so that I could run this one with the kids. This is the first race where we've actually had everyone together. The other races have been split up into different categories at different times or not all of us ran.
I made everyone get together for this picture before we ran because David had a soccer game at 10, the race started at 9 and I didn't know if I'd be done running by the time Joel had to leave to get him there.
Shayne and Sophie adjusting their snouts for a selfie.
Another fun thing about this race is that they had actual "Selfie Stations" set up so you could stop and take a selfie while you were running. This was one of them before the race.

Here we are with Planet Pig.
We visited the bacon bar. It was sooo good. Katering Koncepts were cooking all the bacon and it smelled so good. David said that he had about 8 cups of bacon before the race. Each cup had 2 or 3 slices in it. At the 2 aid stations they had water and cups of bacon bits!
I found Jana and Tracy before the race started. They're so cute.
We also found the Soli clan.
Here's Ben giving Nick some pointers.
Then they stretched.
Here are Vince and Lily. They ran too.
The Summit Athletic Club -Lily works there- lead everyone in some stretches before we ran. It was fun. We did some jumping jacks and got pumped to run.

And we're off!

Ben, David and Nick stayed together for a minute until Ben took off. This was the first race that Ben actually beat David. It must have been the glasses.
Kalo and Lena ran. They had a lot of fun.

This picture was awesome. This shows the first 5 or 6 guys that were a head of Josh. You can see him in his Mustard Yellow shirt coming up on the right side. The only prizes that they were giving out were for the top 3 women overall and the top 3 men overall. Josh was bound and determined to be one of them.

He kept running and his lead got bigger and bigger.

These were closer to the end after everyone was all spread out. But I won't tell you the out come just yet.
Ben was seen running with this unknown girl most of the way. I don't know if he knows her but by the looks of her they will probably find out who each other are in the next couple years if they continue to run and are on their high schools cross country teams.
Nick, David and Dennis all stayed pretty close together. Sometimes they were hard to see in between the legs of the adults.
But, closer to the end when the crowd thinned out you could see them running just fine.
Then there was us. Everyone at the first of the race was all excited and happy but by the end it was a different story.
We stopped at the different selfie stations too. We were out for the fun not for a fastest time.
Here we were closer to the end.
Here is Katie doing an awesome job!

Vince. I never saw Lily again. She must have taken off!
Shawn! He was having a great time.
Jana and Tracy - Crazy and first and then serious at the end.
Kalo and Lena. Always having fun together. So dang cute!
She's going to love this picture.
Now to the finish! Here is a picture that Joel took of the pile of medals. They were awesome and huge!
Josh saw that he was in 5th place with about a half mile to go and kicked it into gear and passed 2 guys and took 3rd place!!! He won a pound of bacon from Dixie Meats, a Megaplex Movie Theater Gift Card, $20 gift card to the running center and a couple other little things. It was AWESOME!!!

Ben did an amazing job and came in not to long after Josh. He beat David by a couple minutes.
Nick was in front of David at the end of the race but David is a Beckstrand and couldn't let Nick beat him so he kicked it into high gear and hurried and sprinted passed him right at the end so he could say that he won.

They had a lot of fun.
Here we are running to the finish line.
Sophie complained the whole time that I was to slow so she was glad that it was over and she took off to finish the race on her own. Shayne was nice enough to wait for her old mother to finish the race.

We actually got done with enough time to take a quick picture before Dad and David had to run to the car to go to his soccer game. We were right behind them but we didn't run to the car. We took our sweet time. We had a great time making another fun memory. Snouts and all.
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