Tuesday, August 8, 2017

End of Season Party

 Once again we all had fun at the end of season b-b-q party.  Above is a Carroll vs Beckstrand game of Chicken.  I just love those boys. 
 The neon kid in this picture below is Skylar.  Jalee joked about how he is on the swim team and a life guard and still glows like a vampire.
 Here's Charlie and JoEllen.  He wanted her drink so she was tickling him.
The cute Cluff family came and brought their darling new baby.  Here is the trophy.  Jeff and Shayne came out and showed it to everyone and told them how proud they were of them.  Jeff neglected to tell them that he had been excepted to the police academy in Las Vegas and wouldn't be back for next season.  I'm pretty sure he didn't want anyone crying.  It was a great season.  Next year we will have our new facility so it will neat to see what happens.  Thanks to all of the coaches that made this year happen!

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