Monday, July 2, 2018

1st and Last Scout Camp

This is David's 1st Scout camp and the Church's last!  I am so happy on so many different levels it's not even funny.  I think that the wards should still take the boys camping and teach them how to do stuff.  Heck the girls have been doing that for DECADES!!!  We don't need to pay a National Corporation to have it's logo on our bodies and to waste all our hard earned money on stupid clothing and little badges that just get lost to show that the boys have learned how to do something that they will learn to use in life. Don't even get me started.  ANYWAY...Both Ben and David were gone for the entire week up on Cedar mountain and they NEVER fought once!  It was a MIRACLE!  I know that I am using a lot of capitals in this blog but it is important to show that these things are important.  My two boys have not gone a day without fighting for the last 4 years.  Before that they were best friends.  But then something triggered in their heads.  The internet.  You see, the internet triggers Davids head to anger and Ben's to sarcasm, to which he thinks is funny.  So, Ben says something sarcastic and David gets mad and yells.  It's really fun.  Not.  So, this week they both had a huge eye opener.  The Prophet of our church, President Russell M. Nelson, challenged the youth of today to go 1 week without any internet and see what happens.  They were both shocked.  David was actually moved to tears one night as he came to the realization that his brother actually loves him. Ben gave up his cot and extra blanket when he heard that David hadn't been sleeping well because he was freezing during the night.  No one told Ben to do it.  He just willingly did it out of the kindness of his heart and it shook David to his core.  THANKFULLY!  I am so glad to see that this little one is finally growing up a bit.  He has been a challenge.  His brain, so far, has only known one course, straight ahead fast.  And if you got in the way or tried to make him change course it was a train wreck.  He does not know how to take time to stop and smell the roses.   He gets this 100% from me.  If I have something I need to get done I want to get things done and over as quick as possible.  I don't even walk slow.  Which is really funny because Joel is such the opposite.  Super patient, takes his time and he doesn't even run fast.  But, in conversations and in life you have to enjoy each other. I figure the faster I do things the faster I can relax.  There is no relax mode for David.  So camping was great for him to HAVE TO sit back and just unplug.  Joel went up Tuesday night and slept over and took these pictures of them.  Then we didn't see them again until Saturday morning, covered with 2 inches of dirt.
 Wood carving and leather working.   Ben is in need of a haircut something fierce!
 Above they were trying to tip a dead tree over.  Below was after Joel helped them.
 Ben was the horse shoe champ.  He said that he played and won all 13 games that he played.   The was his leaner and Joel's ringer.  But Ben still won the game.
 They are pretty cute kids.
 Joel said that he was stuck for 20 minutes at a complete stand still while some ranchers herded their cattle down the street.  Dumb cows.
 When Joel got home this us what he saw...
These are my picture's of the boys when they got home.  Ben was filthy.  David said that he had at least taken a couple showers during the week.  Ben never did.  He tried to pass it off as a tan, but it all washed off when he finally took a shower.  David, on the other hand, immediately showered and then showed me the two baskets he wove.
We have had a couple good long talks about their experiences and hopefully we can see a permanent change around here.  Or at least a start to one.

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