Monday, December 17, 2018

Merry Christmas!

I gave them both the same assignment, but with different words.  This is how it was executed.  Josh, one and done.  Soph, three different fonts with your choice of close up or full body shots.  Thanks guys!   You both ROCK!!!  Since we couldn't decide on just one of Sophie's we all opted out of being on the card this year and just put the two who are really representing the real meaning of Christmas.

David just had his Christmas band concert. They did a great job.  The high school Jazz band was also there and was jamming out to the little kid's songs the entire time and then played a couple songs in the end for the kids. He does a great job but does not like the teacher.  Same with Ben.  They are great little trumpet players but the teacher makes them absolutely hate being in class. Don't get me started on this guy either.  We've had our share of run-ins with him.