Friday the 12th I had a small surgery from 10am - 12:30pm and then we went straight home, picked up the kids and headed out to Bryce Canyon. I slept the entire way in the back seat. Josh was at scout camp so Sophie sat up front and the two little boys sat in the middle so I had the back all to myself. It worked out nicely. But when we arrived to check into our regular Teepee at Ruby's Inn they had given it to someone else. I was so mad. So we had to go find a room at the hotel. We are lucky they even had one. Usually the entire region is sold out of rooms. So instead of unloading all of the sleeping bags, blowing up the air mattress and putting up the cots we just took our bags in the hotel room and were done. I think the Lord did that on purpose so I didn't have to lift anything. I think it was good for my body to actually have a bed to sleep in. So, after we were done we went down to the finish line so we could pick up Joel's packet and get ready for the Color Fun Run that Cannondale was doing to raise funds for their music program. We had signed up in advance and I was even going to run it but couldn't because of the surgery. So, the lady in charge was nice enough to let me throw chalk instead. It was great because I was also able to take pictures. Kyle also threw chalk and got a ride from one of the officials and then they started handing out bags of chalk to the runner who instantly started throwing them at each other.

Afterwards we ate the annual spaghetti dinner that they have there and
then let the kids play on the "world". I'm really not sure what this
thing is called but we had one in our park growing up and we called it
"the world". I am pretty sure that this is the last one on the face of
the Earth. Our kids LOVE it. This year Kyle, JoEllen, Joel and I were
making bets on which kid was going to fall off first. It was so funny.

The next morning we got up early and I dropped Joel off at the starting
line and then went back and woke the kids up to get ready. It takes
about 15 minutes to get to the end of the race regularly but during the
race they close down one of the lanes and only let one side go up or
down at a time so it takes at least twice as long. We love to find
the runners and take pictures of them. Last year we got a late start
and didn't even get to see Joel finish. This year we saw everyone. It
was great and the weather was perfect. No rain and it was nice and
This is the 1 mile marker. Cute huh? |
Dale Ipson - Austin and Jolene ran it too. |
Aaron Potter - who got up super early (2am) to drive up from Ivins to run. |
Brescia and JD! |

Here is Sarah who was happy her stomach wasn't bothering her like the last time she ran this race.
Mandy was the first of our friends to cross the line. She was flying! |
Joel - Happy to be done. |
Here is the only picture that I have of Kyle running. It's Sophie's fault because she was taking pictures while I was driving. And it was Kyle's fault because he changed shirts without asking our permission.:) We were looking for a bright blue tank top. |
Ray Miller coming in right behind Joel for his first ever half marathon! |
Aaron finishing. | |
Here is Sarah almost done. Good Job!
And JoEllen's yummy photo bomb of the traditional photo at the end of the race.

After the race we checked out of our room and went to take a little hike. It was a 1/2 mile walk up to a cute little waterfall. It was perfect. Not to long and had some gorgeous views. The kids found this little cave and we just had to get a picture.
After that we drove up to some lookout points to see Bryce Canyon at it's best.
The views were incredible and we just had to find Thor's Hammer for Ben. That was the only thing he cared about.
The kids had more fun feeding the squirrels than they did looking at the view.
Every year we make sure that we stop by the cute little shops and the the traditional pictures before we head home. This year the had these Books Of Mormon hanging on the door. They were in different languages and I just had to take a picture.
Another year, another set of great memories!
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