Ever since the Trick or Tri, the kids have been wanting to run everything they can. So, we looked for something in Lehi over Thanksgiving weekend. We were in luck. Thanksgiving Point does a "Thankful 13" Thanksgiving morning which is a 5k or a half marathon. So Joel signed up for the half and the kids and I signed up for the 5k. We asked if anyone wanted to join us but no one did and the closer it got the more and more Sophie didn't want to do it. So, we gave her ticket to George so he could run it. George came in 4th place in the Girls 15 & 16 year old category and as he crossed the line the announcer said good Job to Sophie Beckstrand for finishing. He was embarrassed.
Here we are before Joel started. His race started a half an hour before ours.
Right after he left Josh and I headed to use the bathroom and then found Kyle and George and went to sit in the warm van for 20 minutes to warm back up. It was COLD but clear and sunny and was getting warmer every minute. When we lined up I needed to use the bathroom again but thought that it was just nerves so when the whistle blew we took off. Kyle ran with the boys and I was glad because they are all faster than I am. As I ran past the line of "Honey Buckets" and thought that maybe I should hurry and go just in case. But I didn't. Never argue with yourself. Just Do It! So I kept running and about 500 feet away was a downhill slope. As soon as I hit that I said to myself, "I told you so." In order to have 5 babies your body must sacrifice somethings...a bladder that works is one of them. I should have turned around but once again I argued with my brain and just told it to walk up the other side of this huge dip and then start running on flat ground and everything will be alright. Well...it wasn't. Luckily I know my body and I was prepared with a pad already in place. Sorry men if you are reading this you may want to stop now because it only gets worse. I need to be perfectly honest for my posterity sake. My future granddaughters may need to know this. SO... I tried to run again every now and then and but with no success. It was like running with a bucket full of water. I walked until I could see how to get back to Thanksgiving Point because we had run through a community with twist and turns and I didn't know where I was. By that time I was at mile marker 1. Then up ahead a saw a lady directing traffic and I asked her if there was a "Honey Bucket" at the half way point and she said that she didn't know. So I told myself to go until I could see the 1/2 way station and if there wasn't one then I'd turn back. Just then I saw it...a HONEY BUCKET! So I speedwalked my way over to it and was so relieved when I could relieve myself. Then I ran the rest of the way only stopping once. The course went by the Jordan River and I was able to get this picture. It was beautiful.
I was so glad to see this sign. I didn't take a picture of mile marker 1 because I was so stressed out.
Just then a train came by...I LOVE the Lehi Trains...and I told myself that I would run until I the train was done. It was coming toward me and so the distance would actually be shorter since we were headed towards each other. WELL, that was the longest train I have ever seen! Just as it finished I passed a little kid and his mom walking and the kid said, "Mom it had 121 cars. I counted them." Oh man. But by that time I was nearly done! Woo Hoo! The end was in sight and the boys were all waiting around for me wondering if I had died.

Here we are before Joel started. His race started a half an hour before ours.
Right after he left Josh and I headed to use the bathroom and then found Kyle and George and went to sit in the warm van for 20 minutes to warm back up. It was COLD but clear and sunny and was getting warmer every minute. When we lined up I needed to use the bathroom again but thought that it was just nerves so when the whistle blew we took off. Kyle ran with the boys and I was glad because they are all faster than I am. As I ran past the line of "Honey Buckets" and thought that maybe I should hurry and go just in case. But I didn't. Never argue with yourself. Just Do It! So I kept running and about 500 feet away was a downhill slope. As soon as I hit that I said to myself, "I told you so." In order to have 5 babies your body must sacrifice somethings...a bladder that works is one of them. I should have turned around but once again I argued with my brain and just told it to walk up the other side of this huge dip and then start running on flat ground and everything will be alright. Well...it wasn't. Luckily I know my body and I was prepared with a pad already in place. Sorry men if you are reading this you may want to stop now because it only gets worse. I need to be perfectly honest for my posterity sake. My future granddaughters may need to know this. SO... I tried to run again every now and then and but with no success. It was like running with a bucket full of water. I walked until I could see how to get back to Thanksgiving Point because we had run through a community with twist and turns and I didn't know where I was. By that time I was at mile marker 1. Then up ahead a saw a lady directing traffic and I asked her if there was a "Honey Bucket" at the half way point and she said that she didn't know. So I told myself to go until I could see the 1/2 way station and if there wasn't one then I'd turn back. Just then I saw it...a HONEY BUCKET! So I speedwalked my way over to it and was so relieved when I could relieve myself. Then I ran the rest of the way only stopping once. The course went by the Jordan River and I was able to get this picture. It was beautiful.
I was so glad to see this sign. I didn't take a picture of mile marker 1 because I was so stressed out.
Just then a train came by...I LOVE the Lehi Trains...and I told myself that I would run until I the train was done. It was coming toward me and so the distance would actually be shorter since we were headed towards each other. WELL, that was the longest train I have ever seen! Just as it finished I passed a little kid and his mom walking and the kid said, "Mom it had 121 cars. I counted them." Oh man. But by that time I was nearly done! Woo Hoo! The end was in sight and the boys were all waiting around for me wondering if I had died.
Then we took some pictures while we waited for Joel to finish.
He wasn't that far behind me. So sad for me but good for him.
Then Joel came in at 1:52. An average time for him.
This is George's time. I don't know why I didn't get the whole paper but it is the 4th one down. You can see where it says Washington. 27:41.8! 4th place! Good job Sophie, I mean George.
Here are Josh and David. They came in at 31:34 and 31:45.
Ben came in a little later #59 at 35:02
And last but not least...Me at 44:54.5. Believe it or that is not my worst. My worst was 48. Not bad for walking half of it. I am not looking up any more races for awhile.
Here is our finishing picture after it was all over. It truly was a gorgeous day. The weather couldn't have been better. It was 50 degrees and just like St. George.
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