Monday, April 2, 2018


YES!  Utah got it's very own PROFESSIONAL rugby team!  We are so excited.  We bought tickets way in advanced and then we got some free ones a couple days before.  So we ended up with 17 tickets total.  Enough for anyone and everyone who wanted to come to come.   It was so awesome!!!  We ended up taking Grandpa and the Wells kids with us.  We got there late and luckily our good friends, The Soli's, were saving some seats for us.  So, we were in section 1 row 4!  Best. Seats. Ever!  Rylie Allen, his dad and cousin met us there too and sat with us.  They were up for the priesthood session of conference.  It was like a neighborhood rugby party.  It was great!   They didn't win but it was still a great game and they had over 9,000 people in attendance in the Rio Tinto Stadium.  It was well supported.  I can't wait to go back for Mother's Day!
 We had a great view of the Jumbo Tron too.

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