Oh man! Rollerskating! Every New Years Day the Wells Clan gets together to do something fun outside. Well because the weather was cold Jillyn reserved the Veyo Rollerskating Rink!!! It was so much fun!!!
Everyone got a pair of extremely old (at least 20 year) skates on and off we went. They did have a few pair of roller blades but they were almost as old as the skates.
Shayne took this picture and matched it with us ice skating. Pretty cute huh? Proof that we did spend time together while he was bishop.

Shana and Laynee had a lot of fun too. Especially when Shana didn't have to do much of the work. Her boys were the ones with the hockey equipment. It was a lot of fun. We're glad they brought it.
Joel wasn't doing very well on skates. I wasn't surprised but I was hoping he'd be better on them than he was on the ice skates. Come to find out one of his skated was always turning in. So he exchanged it for a blade. Tada! Problem solved! Excellent skater after that.

Shayne took this picture and matched it with us ice skating. Pretty cute huh? Proof that we did spend time together while he was bishop.

Mandy and Miller went around a couple times. I think it was his first time on wheels. He was glad there was a handrail on the sides on the room.
Em was having a ball. Kyle was helping Miller and Matty for awhile until the hockey sticks broke out and then there was no stopping him.
Shana and Laynee had a lot of fun too. Especially when Shana didn't have to do much of the work. Her boys were the ones with the hockey equipment. It was a lot of fun. We're glad they brought it.
Joel wasn't doing very well on skates. I wasn't surprised but I was hoping he'd be better on them than he was on the ice skates. Come to find out one of his skated was always turning in. So he exchanged it for a blade. Tada! Problem solved! Excellent skater after that.
Evan spent a lot of time on his rear. But he stayed in a good mood. Grandma and Grandpa watched the whole time and kept bundled up. It was pretty cold up there. They don't have a heater up there just a wood burning stove so unless you were moving you were cold.

This was a great idea. I hope we make it a tradition because I think EVERYONE had the best time. Another amazing family memory with the cousins.
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